
We'll teach you everything from scratch.

Learn on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch in room C200. Both meetings in a week are the same so you only need to make it to one.


Here's what we cover.

Learn the fundamental tools for creating your own cool projects accompanied by fun activities for you to apply what you've learned. With this foundation, you can confidently grow your coding repertoire and tackle newer and bolder challenges.

Meetings every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch in the ComTech room!

If you can't make the meetings, check out our courses below to learn on your own time while still interacting with our university student mentors and your club mates on Discord (you'll get the link in your inbox when you sign up!).

1. Introduction to Processing

Become familiar with the development process.

2. Variables

Learn how to store data on a computer.

3. Decision Structures

Harness the computer's decision making power.

4. Repetition Structures

Let the computer do the repetitive work.

5. Functions

Expand the horizons of your code.


On demand expert support.

You're backed by strong leaders and mentors who are always ready to listen and help out. Our university student mentors are St. Mary's alumni who continue giving back to the club by providing quick support for your coding questions and chatting about whatever's on your mind.

Meet the mentors